About Me

My background

I am a Air Force veteran"s son whom"s father worked for strategic Air Command. He took me out to the back yard and pointed out Sputnik and instilled an ambition to work in Aerospace.  I was drafted in the Vietnam era (paratrooper)  who later went on to  get a Mathematics degree and thus went on to fly Satellites for Space Command after graduation. This career started just when the World Wide Web came out of Switzerland and we changed from mainframes to PCs for Command and Control. I later changed careers and passed the tests to become a Microsoft Certified System Administrator.  I joined the legion of techs.  It was Viet Nam and Ronald Reagan that woke me up to my country's indifference to "The pursuit of Happiness" which I call our Simian Rights.  The preamble to rights include a our basic rights  that every simian needs from birth such as hugs and affection from a non-stressed out parent/guardian, or parents

( uncles, aunts grandmothers, cousins and friends), and a community/state whom goal is supportive community as a priority and comradely throughout your life by people from all strata of society.  This means a Gestalt change that some people on Earth have and that we need to make the best of the gift of life.  We must forgo and change people and organizations constantly trying to control and or fleece us to our own  and our community's detriment

Human Basics

Push back against people whom agenda include being merchants of death, genocidal, and act out their hubris to the detriment of the world and it's livability.  The solution is to love your  community, state, country and humanity like your family.  That is what Jeus and many  holding a mirror showing our souls were trying to express.  luckeyly  This seed of humanity in our souls can grow to full size with help from family and friends.  It is reflected in the eyes of those wh are not filled with hate for missing out.  IT never goes away even in the soul of the worst sociopath if they are not mentally damaged to the point of being psychopaths.

Here is what I want to make sure you know and I learned the hard way alway check out what a person or group  does and not what they say.  say.  Anyone who leaves out things affecting you or your country or family's safety and well being is being dishonest and plying you for a chump or a lemming.

Get To Human as citizen Homo Sapiens

 I endeavor to practice citizenship to honor all the brave lives lost buried the the rows upon rows of graves during the Civil War and World War II. Our Constitution and any modicum of freedom was at stake if we lost.  Here is a fun fact about the Civil War The Russian fleet sailed into San Francisco and later to the east coast to inspire Lincoln and to intimidate the Western Europeans  into not recognizing the Confederate States of America and providing aid.  The North may not have won had they not done that or made it last a lot longer..  Is it in the history books you read at school?  It is in some of the private and best schools but this is the game of ignorance that is played by the oligarchs each time you turn on the television.  Do you notice how easy it is to turn on the American switch from like to hate?  You can only do this to people so patriot it is unthinking.  How many of you have read the Communist Manifesto?  Why were we taught to dislike something not properly explained to us?  If you were s student at Yale, Harvard, Oxford, William and Mary or  of any of the elite schools your economics teacher or business history teacher would have required you to read it.  The Soviet socialist system was partly communist but was not full blown.  It still had things the Capitalist in our country did not like such as full employment, state provided health care, state provided housing and strong push to know your local and state politics and politicians.  Surly you can see this would startle the American sheep if they knew lamb chops was in their future.
 Anti-socialist at the extreme right in America brain washed us and then proceeded to NOT give us universal health care ( even Cuba has it), our schools books with uncensored histories (only rich kids and thoughtful parents who thought their kids should know) , and civics courses that reminded us how fragile freedom is and vigilance is always needed,  Most news is heavily self-censored and state sponsored housing for the US. was to show countries behind the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe that the US oligarchs  were not all total bastards.  Once you read the detailed history you either wake up or get upset that they treated you like a little mushroom in a cave feed guano and kept in the dark.   
 What does socialism give that they did not want us to have?  There are the things Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbin of the UK sought for ther fellow citizens.  The  following for sure:  Full employment(the employers  would not be able to play us against each other), minimum universal housing for all ( estate owners could not charge exorbitant rents because you would not be afraid of being pushed out in the streets), Universal Health Care ( could not charge you umpteen times the cost of producing the drug/ proscription to line their pockets using your health and possible death as a bargaining chip), Politically involved with your local and state representatives keeping them working for you and your family (Today and before today they tell you almost nothing about how they voted and only a few non-voters (majority)people even know who their mayor is,  It takes your kid getting shot or imprisoned to force families to know who their D.A. is...other families could help you and your families with your problem with the government if you all paid attention).   
 The American Dream is not dead. It has been with you all the time. Achieving it nows takes more people than just a job and freedom to gather the means to get all the pieces working together so it  can not be sustained and even passed on.   I follow the politics and economies of Europe and the significant player's in the world economy. It might be lacking in sensibility to you but my parents, cousins, fellow citizens are deeply affected by these events. Before going to college I spent a couple of years as a paratrooper in beautiful Alaska (before pipeline). Back then it cost a million dollars a month to keep our barracks warm enough for us to live in any comfort,. By the time I left I could survive through a winter at 40 below zero with my company in the wild. I was taught how to do this as part of my training. We were light infantry coupled and tasked with the Special forces folks further north to slow down the Soviets should they invade. Just as now the Soviets and now the Russians were the bogyman to spend trillions of dollars of tax payer money to line their pockets of the share holders of stock in the Military Industrial Complex and partners.
 The bottom line is that in the UK and in the US. corporations are not even using lube anymore giving you  austerity, corporation bails outs, “to big to fail”, and screw you I am rich and I am not paying any taxes from my off shore bank accounts.   We need all to earn trust for each other and start co-ops.  We are the employer and the employee.  Everyone needs to make sure everyone is on-board, so once established it can flourish.  Capital is what keeps people with ideas poor.  For those who work harder the group will reward, but rewarded or not all are part owner and can benefit.
 There is a full press propaganda plan working to keep folks ignorant and divided.  Couple that with racism, ethnic and religious divide and you got a hard row to hoe.  Most of rich now have their hand in the till stuffing their pockets and ready to run off to New Zealand should someone give Trump the nuclear  codes.  The ignorant and the poor will be here watching stuff happen to them and enjoying life’s ignorance with drugs.  I think it would be fun if the Co-op succeeded and we could give other folks hope that  they can do it for themselves and their friends and family. That was the magic of what Bernie was trying to get us to realize and for me who has known how backward, ignorant,  and sadly our citizens have been treated one look at the election of Trump as a outcome of Reagan/Clinton Telecommunications changes for political ignorance.  It could only have happen if the majority of the American people were so pathetically informed and educated that they stood by and let their jobs be shipped over seas and kept electing politicians who served them with disdain, made corporations people and money speech.   A virgin Philippine- American Mathematician in my office while at Lockheed who had fallen in love with a German-American Physics  wrote a poem at the time I thought pathetic.  He wrote, “ If you can not give me your love at least give your disdain”.  He thought at least she would have to acknowledge his existence. 

Random Thoughts in draft


My website was created for my friends and for people who have a clue between right and wrong with the realization that perfect truth  gets complicated and hard to reach because people are imperfect. This makes happiness a question of common values shared by everyone not a sociopath.. If you are hostile to all people being allowed to be happy after a 20th century of the most violent in human history please do read about the happiness world index where harmony and family support are paramount.  Demons and evil ruled via destruction and greed that opposed  the human challenge to be allowed to exist unmolested with family and friends. The problems of the 21st century are the advances in science to threaten human existence outpaced human social evolution that still  can not  advance us beyond war. The media is constantly telling us what being human and what activities are natural human foibles. They are trying to justify evil war (one man is Hitler or a despot so thousands and maybe millions must die innocently).  They cannot change history or the evils they want to continue in the future so lies and pretending to be humans while doing inhuman things. The US and allies havae been the opportunists of the chaos of the twenty century and at first progressed socially and saw the opportunity to have a citizenship in the pursuit of happiness.  Demons do not like human happiness or freedom not earned. Brain washing soon had the flawed people called sociopaths and psychopaths dictating policy that precluded the things industrial countries rebuilt after a century of war and yearning to be human again with universal health care, people involved in policy, and women and children not being the casualties of sociopath hubris.

Wonder why your boyfriend or girlfriend strays it is in our DNA.  A couple of our distant simian male  relatives have sex dozens of times a day like there is no tomorrow (these shared genes helped us survive).  If a human male tried that, if possible,  most would die by heart attack or exhausted shorten life span.  Our early thousands of years of survival made us sexual opportunist because of migration hardship and living short life spans.   Free and enslaved  healthy woman have used their gift of being the ape who can organism to keep the race alive and diverse. Modern Industrialized life and our economic system spews toxins and stress  leavening our libido over time stranded, weak and stripped of its humanizing social purpose. Marriage and religion are man dominated ideas (inheritance)  and rules about behavior (shaming women to conform) and are for their benefit(keeping women weak/distracted and child bearing) with the lure of security and or stability in a world filled with hotspots (mostly male created) were sociopaths, pedophiles,  and hurtful testosterone poisoned motivated males seek lawless war to freely to rape, torture, kidnap  and terrorize. All this played into capitalism where war is an enterprise profit maker fueled by mostly men seeking their humanity (which might have been taken by war) and in their confusion dealing death and despair.

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Domestic Awakening

After Military war rages

  I was stopped on my way to my apartment in the 1990's swhen a young White male about 5’6 stopped me to warn me that the local government and police in Sunnyvale, where I lived had been overwhelmed by the KKK and White supremacist in the courts and on the police force and expanding. He also relayed to me to be on guard and that he had quit the KKK and leaving the state. I was such a naive nerd and busy trying to compete I did not take his effort totally on board. I had a family and a career and did not know this development would destroy both my family life and destroy my career through police lies and my naive belief in the propaganda of California liberalism and real progress in human society.  I knew my wife at the time was very vengeful and ambitious. Those qualities eventually lead to a divorce when I came home with makeup on my cloths.  She sought revenge through an arranged row to get back at me.  I had not done anything but listening was not her strong point.  She yelled and screamed and got violence against and the spitting in the face made me see red should have runafter she tripped me up but rising up to a face full of spittle was to much..     I even knew she was emotionally sensitive because of  partially spinning off the discovery that her father had a second family. His wise consulting she listened to lost legitimacy. I came home with makeup on my cloths eventually lead to her attacking me as I try to retreat out of range of her wraith. My step daughter was schooled to call the police once I was pushed to anger..I never forgave that nine year old ... which I regret. At the time I worked for Space Command and was on nuclear war pick list and had never had dealing with law enforcement. the judge counseled us and sealed the incident and asked that on more incidents occur for five years. And it would be purged. I kept my mouth closed about her violent episode because I felt it was an inter family incident and not for the public. Little did I I know that my career had become a target of this White supremacist cabal in Sunnyvale. I had got back with friends who had been pushed out of married life and when they found out I was separated and most likely getting a divorce they threw a party!  She was not liked and had been declared evil for not including them in our lives.. later my step-daughter as a teenage sued for independence and won.

Nearly two years later the supremacist planers of Sunnyvale had me on the list of families and careers to destroy and again my naivete. Lead me to anther incident by a woman planted in my life by coming to my house night after night and many times watching me fall asleep after hours of tennis practice to prepare for doubles tournaments put on by the tennis w  I Pate play.. She moved end siting she was excited Lockheed and could not afford her rent. Less than a month later she said she would not pay her half and thus an argument and lies to the police that made my mouth drop open. I  was so distraught when the cop lied on the police reports about what my neighbor heard and I did not say or was every prone to say... it was evil. Once I got the police report I was shocked. in court I should get justice because of easy to prove lies. That changed when a week later I spoke to my neighbor about the police report and he said he heard nothing and told the policemen that but also the neighbor under me called the police that.  He was spotted entering his apartment and a neighbor( who originally called the police) who called the police claimed I had been spotted (I had a restraining order and could not go to my own apartment.  The same  lying policeman entered his home with his gun drawn and intending to kill... my neighbor had to plead to the cop to not shoot and let him show him his wallet with his driver's license to prove he was not me.   Going to Court was out... they would kill him to make the lie stand... wouldn't they ? His obvious fright made me plead “no contest” The White supremacist pipeline got me laid off.. turns out IBM security head was ex-cop and now I expect a KKK member. For a while I was fuming mad but the internet/Silicone Valley was getting in full swing so I hunted for Start-ups.  I visited my neighbor to assure him there would be injustice  he was safe for now. At least he was.


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  Website Hacked!!! spelling and grammar distorted!

At ~8:00PM an attempt on my life  using aerosol poison was attempted on 3/30/2019.  I Noted poison and opened front door and spied two tall White teen-aged males hastening away from my oven vent outside ...called 911 ...officer arrived 20 minutes later ..one of the questions he asked... did I have any mental problems..  Wish I had never called .. cameras all over the complex..lets see if this provides a "Jimmy Kodo"

instance of  catching of the bad guys or is this  another "to slick or connected".  My website hacked and my personal info added...site was for my friends who already can contact me... trying to help... to many psychos out there... case in point!!  Are we in *#$$**! f'ing Soviet Union?!!


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Newest Alert-DRAFT

The people of San0 Leandro and environs(Oakland)Alameda county are being subjected to energy weapons, sonic weapons, bacterial/fungal and neurotoxin attacks. Several people have been reduced to homelessness by having their hypothalamus targeted and damaged.  Lower settings do not penetrate the skin and cause itching or burns. Those unfortunates have their attention to life diverted from freely pursuing their right to freely conduct life's business of family, hopes and dreams of betterment (these are the goals of many wrong mined Californians toward minorities).

There is no doubt that some of the government at county and city levels are involved as some of the police officers and city contractors are directly being paid or have access to the weapons via corporations to vile to describe.  Noam Chompsky attempted to warn local citizens when he visited Oakland that he received authenticated  official documents about experimentation on US citizens in Oakland area.. Domestic terrorism at this overt takes money to buy politicians or by blackmail. Sociopaths promoting terror/torture.    I have seen men walking about twitching and  one man strip naked at a gas station jumped out of his car and acted as if insects were crawling all over him. The targeting can penetrate standard walls and cars (infrared with motion detectors targeting)...it is obvious that any State Attorney would know about this   It is hard to target anyone without law enforcement or a large group of mercenaries. Unless they are totally inept politicians in the affected areas would know about the energy weapons in the hands of White Supremacists organizations of which California has the most.

Sadly there arrested large numbers of American adults who would be attracted to making money shooting fellow citizens with energy weapons, stalk them, perform street theater hoping for a emotional stress blowup and enter that person into the police state justice system.

The energy range does not stop at the microwave level.  Cancer causing frequencies can also be set by the perpetrators.

There is documented evidence that experiments on US citizens in the California Bay area done mostly on minority communities such as Blacks, Brown, Gays, Trans and anyone chosen by the police participating or the supremacists who would like to eradicate Jews.  

We have enough violence without the government participating especially uniformed or off duty officers. 

This setup has implications as it would seem doctors and nurses of a Eugenics bent are stationed in the county and private hospitals including the mental hospital.  As 3-strikes almost bankrupted the state this DOD or corporate shortcut to use free citizens to be driven mad or to distraction is cheaper population control.  Once arrested or rendered homeless their death or disappearance is less noted.  The most aggressive civil Rights attack yet. 

I have been subjected to neurotoxins that lead to stroke.  I have been poisoned and fell out thinking I died. 

My car has been broken in to leaving poisons on objects in the car. I never let my physical core soften. I have been hit by energy weapons while writing this letter.  One perpetrator drove up in his new Mercedes and fired a energy weapon into my groin  When I went outside he sped off. I have asked for help from the Sheriff but got the run around and no commitment to do anything.  Obviously a Sheriff Captain I met during a community meeting seeking more cooperation with the community did not include stopping attacks by people to hard to catch or to powerful.  I say this because the people following me on the freeway became less aggressive but some of them were to  real stupid untrained. and almost caused accidents

I had a secret clearance for 15 years and have two degrees, and am a  certified System Engineer.  My targeting plus racism have squandered my contributions to the economy and suppressed making relationships. My phone and computers have been hacked.  I was trained during my time as a ISP Operations system engineer on how to combat security breaches and secure private business servers.  My contacts lists and documents were erased.  This is a sloppy attempt at isolation...same as making someone homeless.  As long as the ISPs have their customers activates logged and turned over to whomever this could include their routers than keeping your life online for sale.  Obviously someone has decided my life is to progressive or potentially fruitful.

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SORRY, NO MORE ENEMIES - WHY YOU ARE ATTACKED In the past, elite and secret services managed to expand and control because of the existence of enemies like communism and socialism. But now, there are no budget building enemies left. The last enemy, communism disappeared with the fall of the Berlin Wall in Nov 9, 1989. Soon after the Western Captains of Industry, oligarchs and Financiers attempted to rape and pillage of the previous Soviet Union. For those who do not pay attention it did not break up Russia so today greed for Russian resources is making the West salivate (Like Napoleon and Hitler). Western oligarchs hate anyone stopping them from the final subjugation of Russia/Asia. The military drum beat tool is the media that keeps going on about Russia (Rachel Maddow MSNBC, Fox news, BBC...etc). The people of the world evolved into decent persons, but today the elite sociopaths/racists and their tools, the secret services and secret societies,(for CA the Eugenics society still exist and think neutering, killing and imprisoning Blacks and Browns would keep them from making strong families(..3 strikes, attacking public education, immigration policy, and poison) They think you can make mankind stronger and Whiter by taking your ultimate right to life (the arrogance). . Also, do not forget the public fear inspiring public domestic terrorists like the KKK, skinheads, The White Citizens Councils, Nazi organizations and FBI directives against a Black or Brown Messiah. They are still the same murderers they once were and can only maintain themselves by recruiting traditional Klansman's families, sociopaths, the morally challenged, the intelligently lazy, the poor, assassins or desperate cons. So what to do if there are no enemies left? You create enemies! At world level, Iraq was created as an enemy, then Afghanistan, now Iran, etc. Win-win for oil companies, defense contractors, countries who want a weak Middle East and Africa, and drug merchants(opium) at the price of the lives of the people living in those lands and the soldiers killed or who suicide after foolishly losing their humanity . At state level secret services have a continuous need for new agents for population control, Sorry to point this out but the weakened Black family (poor, poorly educated, convicts and naive in general), racists, mercenaries, and the uneducated are so trusting(or so desperate for a respite from the complicated evil raining down on their heads) they can be bribed, encouraged or lied to play games with innocent American citizens lives. Innocent Americans become Federal and corporate victims for (medical) experiments, or imprisoned slaves. The Panthers, SNIC, liberal/progressive community organizations and King were infiltrated by agent operators and this led to people being imprisoned or killed by entrapment via lies or playing to the weak-minded prejudices of people stressed by a limited education (not being able to think logically, morally and knowing motivations) can be to turned into murderers and conniving lying agents. So now without enemies left, almost random (smart or influential Blacks and Browns first) normal people are put on elimination lists and pointed to as terrorist, psycho, pedophile, etc. for the purpose of stigmatizing them.. These almost random normal people are mentally and/or physically murdered and in this process new agents are recruited. They got you trapped by volunteering to do evil and can blackmail you with prison. It is ironic that most people recruited are lower class and in fact are used to keep their own kind poor and uneducated so they can easily be used by the elite and secret services for all kinds of dirty work. If someone you do not know shows up and volunteers information about your neighbors that they should not know or care about you are being played and lied to by a paid agent to manipulate you and isolate that neighbor for early death, incarceration or homelessness. The genocide is most fun if the victims destroy each other like the Native Americans. Some Indians did scouting for colonizing marauding killers and soldiers. Scouts waited to report when the Indian males leave to hunt than marauders and or solders ride in and kill the women and children. The Indian men come back finding their families slaughtered are enraged and go and seek revenge. Emotionally not thinking or understanding this evil they seek retribution. After revenge now they are murderous renegades and can be killed legally by the Federal and local government. Renegades are now dead or exiled and the White settlers move onto their land. There were approximately between 34-60 million Indians in North America when Columbus landed. In 1998 the Federal Interior department reported 2.2 million left or recognized. For Blacks and Browns outside the intelligentsia (people who read relevant books) or who read between the lines(newspapers and TV) or simply look at the evidence are "WOKE" and they begin to know the tricks of 21st century evil (know Eastern evil for travel and extra points for survival). How many Black bodies (mostly men) were drudged up from the river in Mississippi ) when the FBI searched for the murdered Civil Rights workers. The government decided not to report how many immediately because local officials partook in the murders and disappearances and the FBI knew details about most and who. Today official murders continue with the same victims Blacks, Browns, Indians, the poor and the naive. My greatest empathy goes to the women of the parts of the world that is a Patriarchy. Halve the population of the Earth. One million European women were burned alive or exiled as witches during the Roman Catholic Inquisitions (church recorded 50,000 official burning, freelance burning by people who could not read or write were left uncounted) The average height of European women fell significantly. This means religion with fear paid a significant part in who was charged with witchcraft (also age over 40). Fear and greed drive most evil loathsome actions against normal humans who want to be left alone in the happy hope for a fun journey through life. These two are the main tools to manipulate the masses selfish desires amplified by the economic system that evolved from so much conflict and meanness and or being naive. Racism is fear based and strengthen by the isms and phobias. War is ultimately about greed and power and the most evil thing Homo Sapiens ever created. The main casualties of war are women and children and the least involved with the decision or cause.


WE respect your journey.

Simian Rights